
A recollection – a sort of mini-retreat – provides an opportunity to review your life, to renew your relationship with God, and make firm resolutions for the future. Recollections are well-established means of deepening the spiritual life.

For many centuries, monthly recollections were a common Catholic practice in priestly and religious life. Opus Dei, which is devoted to assisting lay people answer their own call to holiness, has adapted monthly recollections to the needs of men and women living and working in the world. Opus Dei conducts various types of monthly recollection, which are respectively tailored to lay professional, students and secular clergy.

What happens in a Recollection?

Recollections conducted by the Opus Dei are generally two hours long. They consist of a series of activities designed to form one’s spiritual life. They include:

  • A preached meditation, wherein a priest talks on a spiritual topic for about half an hour.
  • An examination of conscience which explores your attitudes and likeness to the Lord.
  • An opportunity to engage in spiritual direction and/or sacrament confession.
  • Eucharistic adoration and Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament.

Attending Recollections


Opus Dei - Men's Recollection
First Thursday of the Month
7.30pm – 10.00pm
(exception: May 8th)
Opus Dei - Men's Recollection for Young Professionals
Second Thursday of the Month
7.30pm – 10.00pm
(exception: May 15th)
Opus Dei - Men's Recollection (Weekend Groups)
Fourth Saturday of the Month
10.00am – 12.00pm
(exception: Mar 1st)
Opus Dei - Female Recollection
Second Tuesday of the Month
9.00am – 12.00nn
Third Thursday of the Month
7.30pm – 10.00pm